Spring Cleaning Sale - Strictly Limited

SLG on Amazon - FAQs

SLG on Amazon - FAQs
Why are our games being made available on Amazon?

One of our main goals this year is to provide collectors with more options to get their hands on our games. When collectors don’t know about Strictly Limited, Amazon allows us to offer our games to them regardless and bring them into our community. Besides that, it gives us the opportunity to market games further to those whose interests lie a little out of our core customer base. Amazon will also be important for us when the demand for a title is less than originally anticipated since we are sometimes guilty of over-hyping ourselves when working on new and exciting projects.


What countries will be getting SLG games on Amazon first?

We have decided to start with Amazon Germany (amazon.de), Amazon France (amazon.fr), Amazon Italy (amazon.it), and Amazon Spain (amazon.es). Once these stores are up and running we plan to expand to the United Kingdom and the United States.


Will games sold on Amazon be cheaper?

We will remain the exclusive seller of the Strictly Limited Games editions. That being said, we are in full control of the price and quantities offered. Games will not be cheaper: they are listed with the same SRP on both Amazon and the SLG website. It might come as a surprise, but you might even notice the opposite with prices on Amazon being higher than the ones on the SLG website. That’s because sometimes Amazon already includes the shipping prices in the SRPs instead of showing them separately. 


Will games that are ordered on Amazon make use of Prime Service?

At the moment, we do not have plans to include 2-day shipping orders that are part of the Amazon Prime service. That means that your order will arrive at the same time independent of you ordering on our website or on Amazon.


Will shipping on Amazon be free?

As previously mentioned, we will not be participating in Amazon Prime services for now so shipping costs will not be included but identical to our website. 


Will the games still be limited?

The products on Amazon are the exact same products offered on the Strictly Limited website. The maximum quantities per product announced on our website are always the complete production quantities, regardless of the sales channel. The games will still be produced in exactly the same way. That being said, if a product is exclusively offered for pre-order on our website and is sold out, it can’t and won’t be offered by us on Amazon afterward. For actual production quantities, we will rely on pre-order information to judge how many copies to produce. If we opt for the maximum announced or slightly less, then we could have copies left over to offer on Amazon.


I made a pre-order in the past, should I cancel it and order via Amazon?

You are free to use the sales channel of your choice, might it be either the Strictly Limited website or Amazon to purchase your games. Please be aware if a product sells out, it won’t be offered on Amazon. With our current processes, the products offered on our website will ship first. Once completed, we will check if we have enough quantities left to list them on Amazon; with our current process, even if games are available on Amazon, it could lead to receiving the products bought from Amazon a little later. 


Will all games be sold on Amazon?

No, not all games or even editions will be sold on Amazon. If games exclusively offered through our website for pre-order are sold out pre-release or shortly after release, there won’t be quantities left to offer on Amazon; therefore, these games won’t be available to buy there. 


Does this mean you will print more copies?
No, we will not print additional copies. The games are and will remain limited, with maximum quantities per product communicated from the very beginning of the pre-order start. We communicate these maximum numbers very transparently. Part of what makes our Strictly Limited games special are these truly limited quantities. Amazon is just an additional sales channel to offer quantities we have manufactured or will need to manufacture to a broader audience so that more people are aware of our games and brand. 


Do promotions apply to Amazon?

Being in full control of selling the products on Amazon we are able to make sure there are no discounts or promotions which dilute the value of our Strictly Limited editions. Whilst we do not have plans to run Amazon-specific promotions, we will evaluate any promotion that the SLG website is running on a case-by-case basis to see if they’re suitable for other sales channels, too, such as Amazon.


Will Amazon orders ship before orders made through the SLG website? 
Amazon will not ship before SLG. Items that are exclusively available for pre-order through our website will ship even later on Amazon. Once items are in stock, it might vary and really depends on the time that orders are placed and other items in the shopping cart. Conversely, Amazon could already have your selected items on hand and would then be able to ship immediately. With its different processes and logistical complexity, Amazon could be faster than we are at times.


Will you be able to keep track of loyal customers if they switch to Amazon? (Special SLG Anniversary Book promotion, etc.)
If customers remain subscribed to our newsletter or follow us on our social media channels, they will still receive regular updates as usual. Since a lot of our loyal customers are active during pre-orders, we will keep focusing on our rewards for pre-orders that include exclusive items that are only offered on our website.


Will the SLG Support be able to assist with inquiries for eventual issues with my Amazon orders?
The SLG Support Team will be able to help customers with their questions regarding Strictly Limited games, regardless of the sales channels they use. If the questions are related to a certain third-party platform or service (anything not directly linked to our website) they might need to be forwarded to the respective platform owner or service provider for detailed assistance with the respective inquiry (i.e. account specifics with Amazon or lost parcels with DHL)


Where can I find the last copies available of a specific game; on Amazon or the Strictly Limited Games website?
We will keep you posted about the remaining quantities and availability on our website and our communication channels. Even though our stock levels are aligned globally regardless of the warehouse, it could happen in theory that Amazon has a very limited amount of remaining stock left on hand which is not reflected on our website.


Will the Art Plates or other game-related merch (t-shirts, etc.) also be available on Amazon?
Some items will remain exclusive to our website, Strictly Limited, but for others, it might not be possible to offer them exclusively for process reasons. We are not planning to limit offers to fans and potential customers by excluding certain formats or specific sales channels in general. 


What if I need a replacement from Amazon and the game is sold out, will they keep extras?
For any Strictly Limited product, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team and we will take care of the replacement product for you. While some sales channels offer additional second-level support, which you are free to use, it’s sometimes just easier to reach out to us directly.


Is there any other reason to order directly from the SLG website?
With the Strictly Limited nature of our products, not all items will be available after pre-orders have taken place. So if you want to make sure you don’t miss a certain game or certain edition, you will need to place your order as soon as possible on the first channel offering it, which is usually our website. 

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